Post created by Mary and Kalan
Diets have been around ever since I was young. Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet, Atkins, and the list goes on! I have seen my own family members shuffle through the various diets, with little to no luck. Since becoming a young adult, I have dabbled in a few diets myself. I am always wanting to try the latest diet trends but when I came across the melon diet, I had questions.
This diet boasted about hydration, vitamin A, calcium, and antioxidants. These are important for the body, but the body can’t only run on these four nutrients. Our bodies need protein. This was the question I asked myself when I first saw this diet on Facebook…”What about protein?”. How can this diet be good for you if you can’t even grow and repair your body's cells? Aren’t diets supposed to strengthen your body and make it healthier?
Protein comes from various food sources like meat, lentils, nuts, eggs, and dairy. The melon diet specifically tells you to avoid both meat and dairy. So really it’s telling you to avoid protein, something your body physically cannot function without. The melon diet claims it will “heal your organs” but in reality, you will be starving them of a vital nutrient that helps your body operate normally.
Proteins are essential to human function. When you starve yourself from protein you are starving your body from it’s essential building block. Protein has a wide range of jobs within the body such as; making enzymes, building up bones, muscles, skin, cartilage, and even blood. Protein is used in the body everyday, however our bodies lack the capabilities of storing protein within the body so when we run out of protein within the body, those core categories in the body that were listed before start to dwindle and die. We begin to become chemically imbalanced because we are no longer providing the body with the protein needed to create those enzymes in the body, we start losing muscle mass, and even can become anemic. While the melon diet may seem like a good idea in theory, please do not forget about our good friend protein when creating your next meal plan.
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